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J2Store Points and Rewards 1.14

(2 votes)
Reward your customers with points and encourage them to spend more on your website. The extension adds a comprehensive rewards and points feature to your shop.

Customer can earn points and redeem them for discounts. You can set how many points a customer should earn for each dollar spent. You can also set how many points can be redeemed for a specific discount amount.

User-friendly set up of the points and redemption rules globally

Provide points and rewards to your customers with the interactive interface of this plugin. Now defining points that can be earned for all the products is as easy as ABC.

Product level points and rewards

Now set up special points and rewards for specific products apart from the settings configured globally. You can set up extra points and rewards if customer buys a particular product.

Points to be earned and redeemed

Define points earned for purchases and the value of the points for redeeming. For example if a user buys a specific product you could offer 5 points and set the value as 100 points and the amount that will be reduced for the points earned.

Earn points types

Choose whether points earned should be fixed or percentage of the product price. For example you can set a certain number as the points to be earned for buying a product or choose to award points based on the product price's percentage.

Award points for sign up action

Now you can offer points if a user signs up.

Manage points from backend

Manage points earned by the customers at the backend. View the points earned by each user using the manage points option. Add points for users using the add user points option.

Version: 1.41
Developer: J2Store
Required J2Store Version: 3.2.10 +
PHP version: 5.5 +


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