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yKhoon Media Player 1.5.3

(1 Vote)
yKhoon Media Player will play your audio or video file on your Joomla! site. Embed Window Media Player or Quicktime player into your web site


To play the audio, video, or playlist file, you just need to provide the media file URL. The extension support various media file type such as mp3, wma, avi, and etc. You are able to embed the player into the article content and also into the template position such as left, right, and etc. You also able to set the player to auto play, looping (play the media file repeatedly), and set the width and height of the player. The extension also have a playlist generator to help you generate your playlist. Other than generating new playlist, you can also use the generator to edit/manage your existing playlist.

Main Features:

  1. Embed Window Media Player or Quicktime player into your Joomla! site.
  2. Embed the player into your article content and/or template position such left, right, and etc.
  3. Support major audio and video file like asf, wma, mp3, wmv, and m3u.
  4. Does not support media file like flv, swf, rm, ra, and rmvb.
  5. Able to play quicktime media file.
  6. Choose which media player to play the media files.
  7. Set the player to auto play the media file, looping (play the media file repeatedly), and set the width and height of the player.
  8. Support Integrated Product Update System for checking and download latest version of the product.
  9. Looping functionality (play the media file repeatedly).



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